Miriam Nabarro is an artist working in theatre design, photography, printmaking and textiles. Some of her insightful photographs of the space surrounding The National Theatre are currently on show there, titled ‘SE1 9PX: Hidden Corners’. In this exhibition Miriam explores all the unknown parts of London’s premier theatre. Often these areas are out of bounds to the public or are only the domain of the technicians, actors and artists who work in the theatre. Nabarro’s images provide a backstage tour.
Sometimes the photos appear abstract, especially when they show buildings and walls. Although you can identify certain clues. The Independent on Sunday comments that: ‘Nabarro’s remarkable pictures go behind the scenes to reveal the dramatic inner workings of the National Theatre... her photographs... fill the glossy squares with lustrous colour that seems appropriately theatrical.’
In these photographs Nabarro captures the effects of time, and the marks that different creative influences have made on the theatre. Sometimes this translates into gritty, dirty images, while others are quite beautiful and serene. I particularly like the pictures of the dramatically lit rehearsal rooms and stage. One is left to imagine what amazing things have been created within the walls that here display only emptiness and silence.
Visit her website here.
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