You may have already heard about Moroccan Oil... It is the hottest new hair product, and it really, really works.
I was introduced to it only recently by one of my most stylish friends, who incidentally also happens to have the most luscious locks. We were on holiday in Croatia, and out came this magical little bottle. I was sceptical, many a time have I been conned into buying a pointless hair product. However this oil made an enormous difference to my hair.
In summer hair can get dried out and tired from all the sun, sea and salt. Moroccan Oil should be applied after washing your hair and while it is still damp. Put a drop on the palm of each hand, rub together and smooth over hair. And it’s as simple as that.
Check out all the products on their website: http://www.moroccanoil.com/index.php. A 100ml bottle costs £29.95, with free delivery from here. One bottle will probably last you a lifetime.
I promise it will transform your hair.
OHHHH YEAAAAH, That's me!!!!!!!!! Now we've got Candaians and Marines who'll know all about this wonder product. Love youuu xxxxx