Tuesday 7 June 2011

Mount Street May Fayre party

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I turned up at The Mount Street Party a few nights ago. I had been sent the invitation from a friend and was mostly just excited about the prospect of a free glass of fizz. After undergoing intensive renovation this fashionable London shopping street is re-open for business and so to celebrate, the luxurious boutiques threw a party.

Mayfair, London’s smartest district, originally received its name from the annual two week May Fayre held in Shepherds Bush market from 1686 until it was banned for being too rowdy and disruptive. 325 years later Mount Street is once again remembering this historic occasion, with celebrations over the whole month of May. The street is home to many Flagship designer stores- Marc Jacobs, Christian Louboutin, Lanvin and Balenciaga, Azzaro and Stephen Webster to name a few.

My office is located just a few minutes walk away so it was easy to pop along after work last week, fitting it in just before a theatre excursion. It was the perfect day for a party, blazing sun and a gentle breeze. An awards ceremony had just finished round the corner so celebrities were running riot in the local posh drinking houses. Once in the midst of the events it was difficult to choose where to go first, smiling faces greeting me outside every shop, each offering an exciting cocktail or canapé. Entertainers and adorned women on stilts coloured the street with their bright costumes, and in one corner there were musicians and dancers.

I was ushered into an intriguing shop, pungent with the smell of white spirit in the air and men working furiously inside. This brilliantly light space is soon to be a new concept gallery, called Shizaru. They will exhibit fabulously unique pieces, some traditional antique artefacts, other highly inventive new works and sculptures. Scattered around were several wonderful pieces, a giant swirling bowl of clear liquid particularly caught my eye. Before dashing off I needed to eat something, so we wandered around the other shops picking up barbequeued sausages from Allens (the high end meat shop visited by Apprentice contestants), a glass of fresh lemonade from The Connaught and ice creams from the lovely lady outside Louboutin. Champagne was flowing and I was lucky enough to get one of the most deliciously fragrant glasses of Pimms I have ever tasted from the famous Scott’s bar and restaurant.

Just before running to the theatre we popped into Sautter Cigar shop to look at the collection, and munch on their superior nibbles. Men outside were suited and booted in the finest outfits while puffing away on their fat cigars. This was the loveliest of May Fayres, which is what you would expect from the exclusive Mayfair road - Mount Street.

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