Thursday 24 February 2011

Nature Valley: the hottest snack for bloggers

Last week I kindly got sent a box of goodies from the team at Nature Valley. It comprised of various cereal bars, and other sweet bits and bobs, including a very useful flowery V&A thermos mug.

As a blogger I am out most nights, dashing across town sometimes to more than one event in the same evening, or using my lunch break to catch the final days of a crucial art show. This results, quite often, in sacrificing a meal. The other day for instance, I was travelling to Dalston to watch a 7pm play at the Arcola Theatre, finishing work at 5.30 meant there was no way supper could be fit in. Sandwiches can be unappealing, especially if you have to gobble them on the tube, but a Nature Valley cereal bar fits the brief: healthy and delicious and with slow releasing energy to keep me awake for the whole evening!

These bars also tie in with my health kick as a perfect snack pre or post a gym workout. Nature Valley really have created the must-have snack for any busy blogger, chuck one in your bag, you never know when it might save you.

Check out the Nature Valley products here.


  1. Yum! I love Nature Valley. I used to always take a crunchy oats and honey bar with me when I went to school.

  2. I love the Oats and Honey bars too! They are so moreish! x
