Wednesday 9 February 2011

Leslie Jordan: 'My Trip Down the Pink Carpet' and After Party at Cafe de Paris

A few nights ago I experienced my first walk down the red (well pink) carpet. I thought the press night for Leslie Jordan’s show ‘My Trip Down the Pink Carpet’ would be just like any other press night – a few notable critics milling around and if you’re lucky a complimentary glass of house white in the interval, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. We were welcomed in by furiously flashing paparazzi, of course totally uninterested in me, but desperately trying to get a shot of the soap stars and other celeb guests.

Pocket sized Leslie Jordan bounces onto the stage, wearing a tiny suit - he looks quite adorable. He is best known for his role in Will And Grace, the American sitcom. This new show comes to London after a critically acclaimed twelve week run in New York City. The show has an impressive creative team behind it, including fabulous director David Galligan. Jordan certainly gives a fluent and self assured performance, not faltering for a second despite being on stage constantly for a staggering ninety-five minutes. And he doesn’t just recite either, carefully re-enacting hilarious stories and often performing uncanny impressions. He is talking about his own life, but is professional enough to never become overwhelmed by the content, this is not to say he doesn’t get emotional. The final moments, talking frankly about his time in rehab are quite moving, and brought a tear to my eye. Joyfully camp songs are interspersed in the script and during these moments Jordan dances and prances all over the floor with no embarrassment.

The audience surrounding me was made up of mostly overexcited gay men, including Pineapple Dance joker Louie Spence. After the performance we made our way to the After Party, at Cafe de Paris. I followed a very precious Paul O’Grady, who despite complaining seemed to love the attention he was attracting. I managed to get away with my sparkly Converse shoes at the Apollo Theatre, but at the Cafe I began to feel very out of place. On entering we were handed Lychee cocktails, and led downstairs where a sultry jazz band were playing. The place was lit up with twinkling pink fairy lights, and looked quite magical. The drink flowed freely, and while we sipped, mini American style canapés were circulated (tiny hamburgers, hotdogs, and fish and chips).

I was envious to notice a cordoned off VIP section where most of the more special celebrities hung out. However the main area wasn’t without drama, TV interviews seemed to be going on all around me. Once we had seen Lesley’s entrance, and done enough celeb spotting for the night we decided to leave, receiving our goody bags on the way out (old fashioned pink sweets, and a voucher for a complimentary steak meal for two). I left with a definite skip in my step.

Never has there been a more relevant time to use comedian Miranda Hart’s mother’s phrase ‘such fun’! This glitzy event was all that and more, definitely a night to remember.

My trip Down the Pink Carpet continues until 19 February 2011, book tickets here.


  1. Thanks for the comment and follow! :]

  2. Hi Milly!
    What a fun night. It's always fun to dress up and schmooze. Where are your pics on the pink carpet? I'd love to see the outfit you wore.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Come and visit me again soon and I will do the same and follow you.


  3. thanks for your comment! (:
    and thanks for your giveaway invite :)

  4. I want to walk down a red/pink carpet to!

  5. hi, thanks for following! I love leslie jordan! He was hilarious in will and grace and when I saw him on the paul o'grady show a while back I was in stitches lol lucky you got to go and see him live xx
