Saturday 19 February 2011

Breakfast at Tiffany's for Valentines Day

My Valentine's night was spent visiting the darling little Ritzy cinema for a second time. After seeing Black Swan there I was eager to go again, but to see something, well more watchable, a film to smile at rather than flinch at. Avoiding the rows of gruesome twosome tables at restaurants, I rudely informed my date that I wanted to spend the evening watching this iconic girly film, despite having seen it over and over again.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is similar to a vintage wine – it just gets better and better. I seem to enjoy it more every time, noticing new details and perfectly picturesque moments. Because I saw Anna Friel in the stage version last year, I understand the narrative more, stories always seem better when they are familiar.

For those who don’t know (if there are any B.a.T. virgins out there?) the story is about bemused and unaware Holly Golighty, a girl flitting around New York City with her feline companion, ‘Cat’. She charms all she meets, and in particular one promising young writer, Paul Varjak (though Holly decides to call him Fred) - watching their mad adventures is an utter delight. Doe-eyed Audrey Hepburn performs as Miss Golightly which is arguably what made this film such a hit.

Sadly I returned home after the film to watch Chelsea waste away the remaining moments of their match. This would not usually dampen my mood – however a £33.47 betting win was imminent if Chelsea had won. They didn’t and I therefore lost out on my pot of gold, very very disappointing. Apart from that, I think it was one of the nicest Valentine's evenings I’ve ever spent, thanks to my lovely date, and the romantic film.

Book to see something at The Ritzy here.


  1. this is probably my favorite film ever, lovely post.

  2. I need to watch this film....I know I know I am probably the only person who has not seen it!

  3. i love the picture!:)

  4. ohhh, such a good movie! thanks for sharing the pic (:

  5. i just love this movie! a perfect valentine's day watch! =)

  6. i feel the same about this film, its the perfect audrey fix! x


  7. She is so perfect. a lovely way to spend valentines!

  8. Hi where did you find this photo?

  9. I think I just typed 'breakfast at tiffanys' into google images and it came up! Hope that helps.
