Friday 28 January 2011

The Troubadour

The Troubadour can make a claim to be Earl’s Court most famous cafe, not that there is much to compete with in the vicinity. It was a cosy refuge on a dreary wet Wednesday night last week when I went with a few school friends. I hadn’t realised when we arranged to rendezvous there that I had been once before.

It is best known as a music venue, and I’ve heard very good things about it on this count. My singer-songwriter cousin often gigs in the basement area, where many happening artists seem to reside, chilling out with a casual beer in hand, humming through relaxed and melancholic music – well I imagine that’s what it’s like. The place has a nostalgic feel with copper pots and pans hanging lopsided from the ceiling and crooked pictures on the walls, a sort of grubby chic charm.

A troubadour was a composer-minstrel in medieval Europe and that’s where the name originates from. This venue was born in 1954 as part of the second great London coffee craze. We booked ahead to ensure we got a table; it tends to suddenly fill up around 8 pm, even midweek. Ravenous, we squeezed into our table and ordered immediately. An interesting assortment of dishes feature on the menu, from veggie burgers to steak, fishcakes to homemade pasta. We made a pact to try them all, for research! I had the ricotta ravioli, which cost a staggering £14.50, expensive despite its homemade qualities. The pasta was cooked to perfection but unfortunately covered in too much oil making it unpleasantly greasy. Luckily the kind waiter was able to meet my request for more parmesan, and brought a charming little potful free of charge. My friend’s dishes were enjoyable but didn’t quite meet expectations considering the high prices. The chips and sweet potato wedges were very good and provided us with grazing food as we continued to natter away. Alongside our meal a good bottle of white wine was reasonably priced.

This is a great little venue, and has real character. I’ll definitely be coming back for drinks and maybe a gig, but won’t be trying the food again.


  1. shit, can we be friends i swear your my sole mate haha. I LOVE theatre, LONDON is my dream place to live, i want to go to the theatre everynight and audtion for theatre everyday. Im also obsessed with fashion and all things artsy. I am definately following! Im from New Zealand but im currently living in France xo


  2. the place looks really charming, my kinda place actually, food is a little steep though...

  3. I'm following you back!

    Thanks for visiting!


  4. I don't live in London, but I find your blog to be very interesting. Thank you for the lovely comment.

  5. wow thank you so much!! You are too cute haha!

  6. ooo, i want to go!!! sounds lovely (not the food though, i guess haha)

  7. great write-up.
    i'd be glad to have such a place in my hometown !

  8. This looks like a great place, I loved your writing!

    ...OH MY VOGUE!

  9. thanks for following me Milly, I'm following you too! awesome blog!
    see you here... Kisses Alinne

  10. sounds lovely, i would love to visit a place like that here

    following you back dear!

    xx elle

  11. the C necklace is from etsy. xo
