Friday 14 January 2011

The King's Speech

I implore you to go and see The King’s Speech. The film hit our screens on January 7th - it has already been tipped to be the film of 2011, and the year has barely started! I managed to get tickets for the first day, and sat with the excited crowd – which incidentally was enormously varied in age. It is an illuminating account of our Queen’s father, and his noble journey to the throne, succeeding despite his crippling speech impediment, an incredible true story. Stephen Fry calls the film ‘flawless, funny and very moving’, and all the major newspapers have awarded it 5 stars. The film already has seven Golden Globe nominations, including Best Picture.

Colin Firth has come a long way since frolicking as prim Mr Darcy in Bridget Jones’ Diary. He gave an inspiring performance in Tom Ford’s debut ‘A Single Man’, and now a Golden Globe worthy show in The King’s Speech. He has a quiet charm as the monarch, and is painfully moving as the embarrassed man who is desperately trying to cope with an unfair stammer. Last week Firth was presented with an actor achievement award in Palm Springs by fellow actor Helen Mirren who appropriately won an Oscar for playing The Queen, King George VI’s daughter.

Helena Bonham-Carter fills the screen with supportive smiles as the then Queen. It is strange to see her as an upstanding citizen after seeing her as the large-headed tyrant in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland but once I got used to the idea, I was impressed by her great versatility. I recognised one of the adorable royal children (Princess Margaret) to be Ramona Marquez from TV programme Outnumbered.

Geoffrey Rush warms the heart with his portrayal of Lionel Logue, the unorthodox speech therapist who helps the King (Bertie) find his voice. A great struggle, but through unlikely techniques and endearing challenges Lionel makes Bertie’s all important speech possible and begins a lasting friendship.

The King’s Speech is a real lesson in our country’s history as well as being a highly intelligent and witty motion picture.


  1. Thanks for writing this, I really want to go see this movie!

  2. Thank you for your comment-your blogs great I'm definately following. I can't wait to see this-it looks amazing!
    Bea x

  3. I love your blog! :)
    Thanks for following,
    following back. :)

  4. Hi Milly,

    I watched this the other day and yes it was a superb movie. Very funny at times. I would and I could watch over and over again I think
