Thursday 6 January 2011

Giant Robot Restaurant in Clerkenwell

Giant Robot is one of the hip huddle of cafes and restaurants in Clerkenwell. I went the other weekend for an early supper. Through the dark, snow laced streets it is quite tricky to find, but eventually I spotted the bright lettered sign, and was relieved to get inside to try out their food.

Giant Robot is a bar-café-deli-diner. There are few options on the menu, but what they do offer they promise to make well. We had a few pasta dishes: hearty beef meatballs with tomato sauce and spaghetti, and I had roast butternut squash and ricotta tortelloni with walnut, broccoli and pecorino (see image above). The food was lukewarm in temperature, but rich in flavour. Alongside our mains we tried the fried potatoes with bacon and onion, this was disappointingly greasy, and unfortunately there were no side salads available.

I had my eye on the puddings from the start... especially the ice-cream sandwich. Once it came to ordering dessert though, they had run out of the ice-cream sandwich and the indulgent cheesecake, so I sadly went without. To drink I tried one of the robot juices, which was delicious and refreshing – pineapple, orange and apple. I have heard the cocktails are really delicious at the Giant Robot, so next time I will definitely have one of those.

It was surprising to see this diner almost completely empty, especially on a weekend. It is the kind of joint that needs a crowd to create the atmosphere, and I think this lack of hubbub made our visit less exciting than perhaps it could have been.

If Clerkenwell is too far to travel, there is another branch called Tiny Robot located in Westbourne.

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